About Us

Who We Are

Inspired by empathy, generosity and selflessness, we aim to alleviate poverty and suffering across the world, using 100% of your donations to fund projects across health, water, education, housing, food and child care. 


How are we able to do this?

  • Low admin costs 
  • Gift Aid support 
  • Incredible volunteers and donors!
  • Above all, through the will of Allah

Our Work

We’ve been working in the most remote areas of Pakistan, supporting those struggling to meet the most basic of needs, growing our impact year-on-year. 

In 2021/2022:

  • We opened a new operating theatre within the Hope Welfare Trust hospital, providing a clean, safe and secure space with life-saving facilities.
  • We built a modern 25-bed hospital that provides around-the-clock primary care and antenatal services, supporting local communities to receive the life-saving support they need.
  • 300 families have been provided exemption cards for free medicine, consultations and tests, allowing them to access healthcare without having to worry about the bills.
  • We built 5 free schools, for students of all ages, giving those in the most rural parts of Pakistan with the best start in life.
  • We provided 20 students with scholarships to study to their full potential.
  • We built 30 electrical water bores, saving villagers from long, treacherous walks to receive the most basic amenity of clean water.
  • We built over 75 homes for orphaned, widowed, disabled and financially disadvantaged people providing them with the safety and security they need.
  • See what we’ve achieved: Our 2021/2022 Annual Report

In 2023/2024, we want to do even more!

Find out more about how you can help

Our Work

We’ve been working in the most remote areas of Pakistan, supporting those struggling to meet the most basic of needs, growing our impact year-on-year. 

In 2021/2022:

  • We opened a new operating theatre within the Hope Welfare Trust hospital, providing a clean, safe and secure space with life-saving facilities.
  • We built a modern 25-bed hospital that provides around-the-clock primary care and antenatal services, supporting local communities to receive the life-saving support they need.
  • 300 families have been provided exemption cards for free medicine, consultations and tests, allowing them to access healthcare without having to worry about the bills.
  • We built 5 free schools, for students of all ages, giving those in the most rural parts of Pakistan with the best start in life.
  • We provided 20 students with scholarships to study to their full potential.
  • We built 30 electrical water bores, saving villagers from long, treacherous walks to receive the most basic amenity of clean water.
  • We built over 75 homes for orphaned, widowed, disabled and financially disadvantaged people providing them with the safety and security they need.
  • See what we’ve achieved: Our 2021/2022 Annual Report

In 2023/2024, we want to do even more!

Find out more about how you can help

Our History

We started in 2015, working in Pakistan, on projects through private donors, which included building water wells and schools. Seeing the overwhelming need for even more support we then launched publicly, increasing the number of projects and the areas we work in – so that we could reach more and do more.

Now, after making some of the biggest progress ever, we want to keep changing the lives of those going through severe difficulties.

Will you be a part of their story?